Brand In One is a niche, one-stop branding and communication agency based on the island of Mauritius. Our core business is to help our clients build powerful brands that touch and inspire people. Brands that create unique experiences and win the hearts and minds of their audience.

At Brand In One, we strongly believe in a highly personalised service and you will always work directly with the owners.



To help you build a unique brand that stands out in the crowd



To help you achieve revenue, profit, consistent business growth and increase the value of your brand



To ensure that your customers and your employees are consistently blown away by the experiences they have with your brand


Team Building & Event Management

To truly engage your team-members and make them incredible ambassadors of your brand


strategic alliance

Brand In One has a strategic collaboration for the Indian Ocean, Africa and Middle East regions with Eight Partnership, a global award-winning brand strategy and communications firm headquartered in Hong Kong.

Selected Work

Brand In One’s expertise lies in brand strategy, identity, communications, reputation management, customer experience, employee engagement, training, team-building, mystery shopping and event management. Brand In One is a truly dynamic company. It sees no frontiers and can work with clients in all sectors, however big or small, for both local and international brands.

we like to do things...

While most communication agencies based in Mauritius and the region focus mostly on the aesthetic part of the brand (logo and corporate identity), we like to dig deeper. We know that branding goes to the heart and comes straight from the core of an organisation, and that effective branding is as much about communication than employee engagement.



With that in mind, we turn our trained eyes towards your company and your employees to help you identify what it is about your brand experience and your brand ambassadors that is genuinely unique and compelling. We then strive to provide the most cost-effective and relevant solutions in branding, marketing, communication, training and team building services.

So you may relax and enjoy the ride…

Brand In One

“ Créer une marque forte nécessite un travail sur le long terme mais il est indéniable que la mise en place de cette nouvelle stratégie de marque porte déjà ses fruits, ne serait qu’en évaluant les retombées commerciales de notre nouveau site web combiné à notre campagne de publicité. Nous sommes entièrement satisfaits des conseils avisés et précieux prodigués par Brand In One. A l’écoute, flexible, rigoureuse et expérimentée, Valérie nous démontre continuellement sa passion et sa volonté de faire avancer les projets de Précigraph, cherchant toujours à apporter une meilleure valeur ajoutée. C’est un atout et un immense plaisir de l’avoir à nos côtés pour remporter les challenges de demain. ”

Vincent De Labauve D’Arifat, General Manager  —  Précigraph
Brand In One - Precigraph
Brand In One

“ Mrs Burrenchobay of Brand In One did an excellent job conceptualising, developing and delivering high-quality and impactful communication tools (English & French brochure, website look and feel, billboard and other collaterals) for the MTPA’s Mauritius 365 project. 

We would without hesitation recommend her for any marketing and communication services projects based on her professionalism, her capabilities and high standards of delivery. ”

Kevin Ramkaloan, Former Director  —  Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority
Brand In One - MTPA
Brand In One

“ During the course of this project, Valérie consistently showed professionalism, rigour and expertise. Her methodology is systematic; her approach is customer-friendly and creative. 

She clearly made a valuable contribution to our Group Communications Department and demonstrated the qualities of a good coach: adaptable, open, encouraging, enthusiastic with lots of positive energy. She is a good listener and has an eye for details. Her hospitality background was a definite plus in our service industry. ”

Brian Ah Chuen, Director ABC Group  —  ABC Group & ABC Banking
Brand In One - ABC Group
Brand In One

“ Valérie nous a été d’un immense support pour nous aider à nous réinventer (…) Sa connaissance approfondie de l’industrie hôtelière et touristique de Maurice ainsi que ses compétence ‘métier’ nous ont permis de bénéficier des meilleurs conseils pour développer notre nouvelle marque commerciale ‘Océane Cruises Mauritius’ en ligne avec les attentes changeantes du marché.

Elle a su nous accompagner à la fois d’une main ferme mais aussi flexible, son expérience PME lui donnant l’ouverture d’esprit nécessaire pour comprendre les réalités de notre entreprise. Elle a géré l’ensemble du projet dans les meilleurs délais et de la façon la plus ‘cost-efficient’. ”

Jacques & Christine Leclezio, Owners & Directors  —  Océane Cruises Mauritius
Brand In One - Oceams Cruises
Brand In One

“ Valérie’s period at MC Vision Ltd was extremely beneficial and productive. Her domain skills are unquestionable and this enabled Valérie to drive the delivery of the hard outputs. Valérie’s focus on team work and never losing track of the ‘person’, enabled her to build a united team and drive the team to new heights.

Valérie brought a fresh outlook, new ideas, listened to all team members, understood the industry very fast which together with her wealth of industry knowledge and contacts were invaluable for MC Vision Ltd. Valérie was always conscious of cost management and at all times kept to her commitments and milestones. ”

Anil C Currimjee, Managing Director Currimjee Group  —  Canal+ Mauritius MC Vision
Brand In One - MC Vision
Brand In One

“ Nous avons appris à connaître Valérie lors de notre exercice de rebranding en 2011. Au cours de ce projet, Valérie a fait montre de professionnalisme, d’une expertise indéniable et d’un excellent relationnel. Sa connaissance intime des réalités du Marché Mauricien a permis à Brand In One d’offrir une contribution forte appréciable, ceci en toute complémentarité des services prodigués par le cabinet de conseil International retenu.

Consultante passionnée par son sujet, Valérie est curieuse, réfléchie, impliquée personnellement et toujours à l’écoute. Sa bonne humeur quotidienne et son enthousiasme sans limite sont contagieux pour les personnes qui travaillent en collaboration avec elle. ”

Cyril Mayer, Former Chief Executive Officer  — Terra Group
Brand In One - Terra Group
Brand In One

“ Clearly you have a view and knowledge on branding and you had the courage of your convictions. You are fact based, you came out with ideas and the methodology followed was very detailed.You have a very detailed understanding of the industries and issues at hand and clearly understand Harel Mallac – a strength. You understand Mauritius. Your value offering was good. You were the right transitional fit for Harel Mallac. ”

Christopher Boland, Former CEO  — Harel Mallac Group
Brand In One - Harel Mallac Group
Brand In One

“Valérie n’a gardé de ses vins de Fronsac qu’elle cultivait jadis sur les terres tourmentées de ses parents que leur caractère vigoureux, entier, corsé et puissant. C’est cette Valérie là que nous aimons, celle que nous avons appris à apprécier. La battante, celle qui fonce, qui sait ce qu’elle veut et comment l’obtenir, mais aussi la pétillante, l‘engageante, l’extravertie qui sait gagner son monde. Elle a créé sa propre entreprise Brand In One, et c’est ainsi qu’elle est venue nous démontrer combien La Sentinelle était une marque qui n’en était pas une.

J’ai vu à l’oeuvre cette boule d’énergie, cet engagement total dans l’objectif à atteindre, et surtout la grande sensibilité de Valérie. J’ai bien vu ce que Passion de Magondeau, de bonne tradition familiale, n’a cessé de proposer : à la fois de la puissance et de la rondeur, du caractère mais aussi de l’équilibre.”

Jean-Claude De L’Estrac, Former Chairman  — La Sentinelle Group
Brand In One - La Sentinelle Group
Brand In One

“Brand In One has been pivotal in the marketing of the Raffles Tower project through its contacts and previous marketing experience. The end product has been the production of a high class promotional tools as well as a good public awareness of the project.

The main impact on our project is a more consistent and professional approach to marketing and selling. By receiving unbiased feedback, the team has been able to become more professional. Valerie’s previous hotel experience added a different dimension to our way of doing business. Her approach was very detailed, structured and professional. Furthermore, we were happy to note a slightly better customer loyalty in the residential area.”

Clifford Fon Sing, Chief Executive Officer  — Jade Group
Brand In One - Jade Group
Brand In One

“ During her tenure with Sun Resorts Ltd, Valérie was responsible for the production of all Sales and Marketing tools for our resorts to the highest standards, and she played a very active role in the development and launching in Mauritius of the new brand ‘One&Only’ always ensuring that the standards in advertising, photos, stationary and guest supplies were maintained and surpassed. 

Valérie has a creative approach to marketing and clearly enjoyed the hospitality business and its never ending challenges. High spirited and warm by nature, she is a person of unending energy and action. ”

Fabio Piccirillo, Former Chief Executive Officer — One&Only (Sun Resorts)
Brand In One - One&Only Sun Resorts
Brand In One
Brand In One

they already trusted us

Let's Connect

Brand In One is the only branding and communication agency based 100 meters from the most amazing Indian Ocean lagoon. Innovative Mauritius at its best!

Your first points of call are Brand In One's Managing Director, Valérie Burrenchobay or her Co-Founder & Partner, Dinesh Burrenchobay, who will remain your key touchpoints.

We usually come and visit our clients anytime they need us, anywhere but are also happy to welcome you in our thatched loft/studio for breezy and enriching brainstorming sessions (100% sustainable!!!).

Come for a green tea, let’s have a (re)creative chat and meet Brand In One's mascot 'Pépite'!